
GMFI Tokenomics

$GMFI Distribution

Total supply with no future inflation: 1,000,000,000


Golden Magfi places the community at the heart of its vision, dedicating a substantial portion of token distribution to Ecosystem Allocation. This not only underscores our commitment to rewarding active participation but also powers community-driven initiatives, developmental projects, partnerships, and outreach programs. Furthermore, a segment of this allocation is reserved for Community Rewards, designed to recognize and remunerate members for their collaborative contributions. Through this holistic approach, Golden Magfi fosters a dynamic, community-centric platform, emphasizing shared ownership and a united vision for the future of DeFi.

Vesting Schedule

Token Burn

Golden Magfi understands the value of ensuring the GMFI token retains its worth. Our token burn mechanism aims to maintain the scarcity and value of GMFI, using the following methods:

Quarterly Burn

A percentage of GMFI tokens will be set aside every quarter, and these tokens will be permanently destroyed, reducing the total supply and, by extension, countering inflationary pressures.

Buyback & Burn

Golden Magfi will allocate a proportion of its revenue to purchase GMFI tokens from the open market. These tokens will then be burned, further reducing the circulating supply. This approach not only showcases our commitment to the token's long-term value but also aids in establishing a robust economic cycle.

Deflationary Target

In our pursuit of stability and token value appreciation, Golden Magfi aims to eventually burn a significant portion of the total GMFI supply, ensuring a balanced and healthy token economy.

Last updated